
By committing ourselves to the goals of smart growth and civic responsibility, Transwestern seeks to develop buildings that improve communities while preserving our environment and conserving our resources. Transwestern's sustainability efforts are centered upon creating value through the strategic design, development and management of properties that result in energy efficiency, resource conservation, and waste reduction.

  • Customer Tips:
    • The following tips are specifically designed to help customers save energy with little out-of-pocket costs.
      • No-cost options:
        • Adjust thermostats when space is unoccupied.
        • Turn off lights when rooms are not occupied.
        • Take advantage of winter daylight by leaving window blinds open.
        • Disconnect unnecessary or unused equipment.
      • Low-cost upgrade options:
        • Install programmable thermostats.
        • Install occupancy sensors in conference rooms or other areas not continuously occupied.
        • Replace incandescent light bulbs with more efficient compact fluorescent bulbs.
        • Install awnings, window shades, or window films to keep out the summer sun and lower air-conditioning costs.
        • Purchase ENERGY STAR certified office equipment that you can take with you if you move to another location.
        • Caulk and weather-strip windows and doors.
        • Fix leaky faucets and toilets to conserve water.